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comes from "chunder". means to vomit from drinking too much. could also be a noun referring to the vomit itself

girl: i drank too much i'm gonna chundi

guy: ew look at that pile of chundi

by oakbayhigh2011 December 31, 2010

12👍 7👎


to vomit from drinking too much

girl 1: i drank way too much last night
girl 2: did you chunder?

by oakbayhigh2011 December 31, 2010

52👍 33👎


comes from "chunder". means to vomit from drinking too much. could also be a noun referring to the vomit itself

girl: i drank too much i'm gonna chundie

guy: ew look at that pile of chundie

by oakbayhigh2011 December 31, 2010

18👍 2👎


comes from "chunder". means to vomit from drinking too much

girl: i drank too much i'm gonna chunda

by oakbayhigh2011 December 31, 2010

12👍 9👎

chunder queen

that drunk broad who ruins everyones night by getting too drunk and vomiting

guy: she sure is the chunder queen of the night!

by oakbayhigh2011 December 31, 2010

4👍 6👎


acronym for "chunder queen". referrs to that drunk broad who ruins everyones night by getting too drunk and vomiting

guy: she sure is the CQ of the night!

by oakbayhigh2011 December 31, 2010

19👍 27👎