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slang for an ecstacy tablet

how much for an egg, $35?

by obi1666 February 21, 2003

12👍 29👎


an archaic term meaning to either a) leave ones computer terminal unlocked and unattended, or b) let a usenet group know that someone has left their terminal unattended by posting a message proclaiming that they wear baggy pants.

sense a)
"I baggy-pantsed the other day (as i am a useless M$ windows user) and someone wiped out my work"

sense b) posted on a usenet group -
"hello my name is useless windows user and i waer baggy pants"

by obi1666 February 20, 2003

39👍 13👎


a polyporhpic word that can be used to express almost anything, though usually a positive exclamation.

how was that wave, man?
totally STATION, dude!

by obi1666 February 20, 2003

63👍 20👎


a provincial term used by surfies from the midnorth coast of nsw, australia with similar meaning slut or ugly slut

she's such a gronk i could punch her head in

by obi1666 February 21, 2003

7👍 19👎