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First things first. There are very few known badasses out there.

1. First of all a badass will not seek attention. Attention is something he could give a fuck less about.

2. A badass doesn't speak out his ass. They are honest, and truly care about others that deserved to be cared for.

3. They are typically quiet and really don't have much to say. They are usually intelligent in some way or another.

4. A true badass must be able to protect his family and closest friends no matter the consequences. Though a true badass likely doesn't have many friends because he doesn't depend on them.

5. A badass is loyal.

6. A badass gives respect only to the people who deserve it, no matter who the fuck they are or how old they are.

badass : Sitting at the bar minding his own business having a beer.

cool guy: Walks up the the bar and says, "Who's this faggot?"

badass: Headbutts the cool guy in the chin or nose, whichever.

badass: Puts cash on bar counter with a fat tip and walks out.

by okc_rocker July 18, 2012

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