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sexual intercourse beteen a human and an animal.

person 1 " whats it call when a human has sex with an animal?"

person 2 " its called Zoophilia"

person 1 "oh"

by olaf the pimp January 3, 2007

70👍 114👎


a knife that is usually used for cutting up big fat turds stuck in the toliet after someone has been constipated for a long period of time.

who left poop on my poopknife?

by olaf the pimp December 11, 2006

92👍 20👎


a mexican who is poor and lives on the streets.

look at all of the bumsicans

by olaf the pimp December 19, 2006

2👍 3👎


loud, mischievous, rambunctious,

person 1" hey could you try to not be so boisterous?"

person 2" sorry"

by olaf the pimp January 3, 2007

75👍 20👎


a money hungry tramp who sucks your personality out of you and leave you when there done with you.

person 1 " a bor you have to get ride of that sucubis".
person 2 "yea i think your right, shes takin all my money".
person 1 " yea they'll do that".

by olaf the pimp December 27, 2006

25👍 15👎


a money hungry tramp who takes your money and takes over your life by controlling everything you do.

person 1 " a bro you gotta get rid of that sucubis, shes ruining your life, she doesn't even let you chill with me".

person 2 " yeah your probally right".

by olaf the pimp December 27, 2006

10👍 8👎


when one squeezes their ass cheeks together.

person 1: why does your ass look so toned?
person 2: im clenching my cheeks together.

by olaf the pimp December 12, 2006

127👍 27👎