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an attention seeking subculture.
they lie about their whole life and say their sensitive and all this whole load of crap, only so people can fall for them and so they can gain attention.
they also claim that their life sucks, HOWEVER, half of them spend most of their time on myspace and all this other shit; hey dumbass, as far as we know, your life isn't that bad, cos you have the internet and all this shit so stop fucking complaining.

they label themselves though still get pissed off when we label them. RIGHT, you already said you were emo, so why can't we say that you're emo too, since you said you were?!
gosh, idiots.
everyone hates emos because:
-why bother being their friends if they'll probably kill themselves anyway.
-most of them lie about their whole life and speak a whole lot of bullshit.
-they just always want to be the centre of attention.
-they're embarassing cunts.


normal person: HEY EMO KIDDD!
normal person: but i thought you said you were emo :S
emo girl: well..umm..its cos umm..ok fuck off i dont care. get a life. im allowed to call myself that CAUSE I AM!! BUT U DONT GOT MA PERMISSION!!!1!!LOLZ!!!1
normal person: k, retard. pretty lame excuse to be honest. YOU DO CARE, WANKER! if you didn't care then you wouldn't be taking a piss at me for "labelling" you. and i have a life, AND i use it properly, instead of trieng to kill myself and shit. i don't need your fucking permission, you can't stop me from doing shit.
emo girl: well i guess your kinda right. BUT STILL FUCK YOU IM EMO U POSER!
normal person: haha god stfu! i believe it's "poseur", not poser. you only think your emo and say you are, so then you can get attention and everyone noticing you. give it up, most of us hate you emos anyway. just shut the whole emo thing off, it's lame and you only do it so you can get all the attention you don't deserve.
emo girl: hmm my ex just asked me out again.. ok ill get back to you after i get the razorblade, sorry itz just time of the day (ya know, da time where i cut ma WRIZTZ WOOOO!!!)
normal person: ok, make sure you kill yourself this time, cut your wrists deep fuckface.

by omfglolcourtney June 7, 2007

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