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ilybnhiutmi means 'i love you but not how i used to mean it'. usually used to show your ex that you love them and care about them but not in the same way you used to when you were in a romantic relationship.

Jane: 'ilybnhiutmi.'

Sarah: 'ilybnhiutmi, too.'

(they're lesbians)

by omgidontwanttomakeapseudonym October 11, 2018


When you are motivated to masturbate.

Daniel gives me motibation.

by omgidontwanttomakeapseudonym June 3, 2018


a noun variation of the word ‘chode’. funnier than chode because it has an r.

‘man that’s a banging choder hahaha’
‘dude ikr’

by omgidontwanttomakeapseudonym April 14, 2021