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jalapeno butt

the burning sensation after you defecate that seems to linger. Usually after youve eaten spicy food.

"Lindsey has been screaming while in the bathroom all morning, that curry last night must have given her jalapeno butt."

by ooberhack3r January 3, 2012

24👍 1👎

touch freak

A person that does not like to have anyone initiate physical contact with them.

"Don't pat Joe on the back, last guy that did that got a broken hand! Hes a total touch freak."

by ooberhack3r June 8, 2009

38👍 3👎

relationship gut

The process in which after being in a relationship for a certain amount of time, you let certain physical aspects of your appearance go.

Jim: Joe's gained a bit of weight ever since he locked in his girlfriend.

Matt:Hes getting a little bit of a relationship gut. I hear he doesnt manscape as often now either.

by ooberhack3r December 1, 2009

81👍 14👎

steady buddy

A person that you are "going steady" with. It is used for a mutually exclusive and monogamous relationship without the dreaded "boyfriend" or "girlfriend" title.

"I don't want the shitty connotations of the term girlfriend, but you can be my steady buddy!"

"Have you seen John? Hes been hanging out with his steady buddy an awful lot lately."

by ooberhack3r June 7, 2009

41👍 6👎