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The focus and concentration

of thoughts, behaviors and
emotions that amplify powerful
determination, awakening the gallant, ruthless, vicious and unstoppable force within you to excel.

Tyroneing- The mindset and premeditation of someone extraordinary aka
Tyrone Snowden Woods. RIP

by opticride2020 November 6, 2020


I thought Tara was really nice, then, she was all karenous, video taping, me, and butting into my life, so karenous.

Lady, I don't know you . don't be all karenous and start video recording me and chase me skateboarding.

by opticride2020 May 9, 2023


Definition for somebody who cannot wait to go tell somebody that their property or their car or their house and their yard is so much better than theirs liking to brag.

There goes Karen and Chap, already knocking on the brand new neighbors door at 6:00 a.m. in the morning. That's so eagertistical of those two.

by opticride2020 April 2, 2023