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Own Personal Faggot.
A gay male/female who considers himself/herself dedicated to you, like a manservant with a crush on you. There may be but often is not a sexual context to it. Often it's because you're the one to whom he/she came out first, but there can be other reasons. This is a very caring, kind and maybe even loving person if you're lucky, and he/she may be vulnerable, too. Don't abuse the privilege.

It's my OPF's birthday! I'm gonna buy him a nice bottle of wine and some roses.

I love my OPF! He's always there to bail my ass out of jail after (fill in the blank).

I'm in between girlfriends so my OPF is filling in for a few days. He's good-looking, rich, and sucks like a Hoover, glad he still wants me. Life's damn good!

by outnabout April 15, 2010

16👍 9👎

honey on your stinger

Sexual intercourse.

From "Johnny Be Good" (1988), in a line from Coach Sanders, played by veteran character actor Steve James (deceased).

Coach Sanders: "You boys wanna get some honey on your stinger tonight? Well, you're not gonna unless you get out there and kick some butt! Now let's go!"

Football Players (growling): "Hooh, hooh, hooh, yeah!"

by outnabout April 15, 2010


You Only Cute Online

When you see a picture of someone on a social network and you find them really attractive then when you actually meet them....they don't look cute at all!

Yoco nigga!

by outnabout June 2, 2012

22👍 11👎

nuclear option

An act of retribution or last resort that is unwarranted or overly severe in its consequences.

She de-friending him on Facebook was the nuclear option; it was unnecessary and embarassed him in front of his friends.

by outnabout April 22, 2010

57👍 4👎