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Love is not a feeling. Feelings can be a part of love and makes it enjoyable, but love is only real when treated as something you do, not as something you feel. It's an action chosen. "I love you". It is the action word, the verb. It describes what you are choosing to do. - It is a commitment to be there and do for someone even when it is undeserved. It is described in the original wedding vows in The Book of Common Prayer from 1549. Groom: I,____, take thee,_____, to be my lawful wedded Wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I plight thee my troth. - True love is not walked away from when it gets tough. It is committed to for a lifetime. Through a person's worse, through financial problems, through sickness. It doesn't matter. - Love without commitment is lust. Lust is selfish, it is me-based. It seeks it's OWN desires over the needs of another. It goes away when the other person is not doing exactly what feels good to or for you. There is no follow-through, no staying power with lust because it is feelings-based. This means when our feelings change, lust goes away. The word love is severely misused and overused in society since the Sexual Revolution when they stopped education in the character necessary to sustain love for another person.

Love never comes to an end. 1 Corinthians 13:8

The loving husband caring for his disease ridden wife. The wife he has loved for a lifetime who does not even recognize his face. Devoted to her, committed to her, keeping the promise he spoke 53 years ago, "in sickness and in health".

by outoftheashes44 September 24, 2011

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