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the 2nd worst band of all time, which for some reason worships the shittiest band of all time, the beatles.

The members arent bad as preformers, but the lyrics are the dumbest thing short of the beatles themselves....

damn... i thaught i was done hearing those untalented, overrated fucks known as the beatles, now we got these damn beatles wannabees invading our damn radios...

by pabl0 March 29, 2005

8👍 57👎

the beatles

Rock Band from the 60's.
Impressed hoardes of fans, but their fame was enhanced by the media.
They may have been very influantial, but the fans on this site whe cite them as the most talented band ever are getting caught up in the frenzy. Most fans will pass this off as another teenager who thinks the beatles are oversated. However, any moron can listen to a band with TALENT that plays a similar style and hear the difference.

Beatles > moronic lyrics, on par with modern 'pop sensations' such as the backstreet boys (ok, not close to THAT bad)

Eagles > Equal or better playing talent, and 1000x better lyrics. If you like the beatles better, you are a TRENDWHORE or STUPID!

by pabl0 March 29, 2005

111👍 436👎


Used as a crutch for those who cant think creatively. Jacks up the GPA's of the untalented masses who want to spend hours memorizing boring procedures.

Art/music = good
(not the classes, the subjects themselves)
Math = bad

by pabl0 March 29, 2005

92👍 111👎