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Macbooks are laptops built and sold by Apple. They have very limited resources, are incapable of running software, and are priced at about...oh...your first born child. Lots of 'shiny' effects, bells and whistles decorate the mac OS. The good news is they look cool. The bad news is that it doubles the cost of the laptop.

See, when you buy a Mac, you're not just buying a computer. You're buying an IMAGE. A Personality. Something THAT WILL SHOW THE WORLD HOW AWESOME YOU ARE.

It's interesting to notice the laptop types when moving from major to major in a university. For example, in the Computer Science department, about half the people use Linux, half use Windows. In the Engineering and Math departments, about a fourth use Linux, and 3 quarters use Windows. In the Geology department (see Rocks for Jocks) Macs are predominant, with a slight sprinkling of Windows thrown in. In Business (Douchology) and the Liberal Arts (sponsored by your local Feminazi chapter!) classes I've taken, I've yet to see a single non-Apple product.

So, as you can clearly see, the amount of Macs bought by a population sample is inversely proportional to that sample's knowledge of computers and technology.

Macbooks are like Linux, without the free.

Business Major: Brah I bought a Mac! I'm gonna get so wasted with it! and then have sex with it!
Liberal Arts Major: Ohhhh, that is, like, soooo cool. I, like, got a Mac too. It cost three times as much as a Windows computer, but isn't it, like, so preeeettty??

by paddywhacker8 January 28, 2011

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