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null, zero, nothing (now archaic); sometimes written as "aught"

Six plus ought equals six.

by paljoey October 4, 2003

32👍 47👎


A ragamuffin, or street urchin. One wearing ragged clothes.

by paljoey October 3, 2003

13👍 5👎


An fancily dressed gentleman, also called "dandy"

Zorro's disguise as a fop was brilliant.

by paljoey October 3, 2003

240👍 72👎


excessively decorated with glitter and shiny objects

The news channel broadcast from a very glitzy set, using flashy graphics.

by paljoey October 1, 2003

39👍 10👎


A persistent, iritating critic.

A gadfly journalist always tries to expose and provoke reform.

by paljoey October 1, 2003

72👍 22👎


doily, especially as used to prevent men's brilliantine (macassar) from staining upholstered furniture

There were crocheted antimacassars on the headrests of the train seats

by paljoey September 29, 2003

19👍 2👎


peers, friends or neighbors, even family, often used with kin

He was no kith nor kin to me.

by paljoey October 2, 2003

21👍 28👎