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Greek Rug

A welcome mat for females when they pull down a man's pants to find a perfectly groomed patch of pubic hair.

Extremely popular in among the Mediterranean countries as far West as France.

Last night I went down on Jason and he totally had an itchy greek rug.

by panagalokis October 24, 2010

3👍 2👎

French Beard

When a woman grows out her armpit hair, shampoos it, and otherwise maintains its appearance.

Often the length of the hair is categorized using a numerical system. Due to the French origin of the practice, the classification is slangly called "Louis the __", where the __ is replaced with V or XIV depending on the length hair.

Megan is totally sporting a french beard. A Louis the XIV at least - no joke!

by panagalokis October 24, 2010

5👍 13👎