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woolly pully

a hand-job given in a location so cold, it must be administered by someone wearing mittens

Guy 1: Man, me and my girl were mackin' in my car last night, but it was so cold that when the time came she had to give me a woolly pully.

Guy 2: Nice.

by papa_squat_0516 March 27, 2011

3👍 2👎

all nighter

The least gay name for a "sleepover"

Saturday let's pull an all nighter at George's.

by papa_squat_0516 December 9, 2010

165👍 66👎


Used to replace the word "fuck". Most effective in places where use of the f-word word is not acceptable. (ie. work, school, parent's house)

Shut the balls up you mother-ballser!

by papa_squat_0516 March 14, 2011

3👍 4👎

COD diet

when you lose a lot of weight due to missing meals, because you play too much call of duty

Guy 1: Dude, have you lost weight?
Guy 2: Yeah, after Black Ops came out, I went back on the COD diet.

by papa_squat_0516 December 20, 2010

8232👍 2259👎

charlie sheen

What the kids are calling crack these days.

The only drug I'm on is Charlie Sheen!

by papa_squat_0516 March 9, 2011

9👍 4👎


away from controller. console adaptation of the term afk (away from keyboard)

Guy 1:Dude, wtf happened, you said you could hold down B flag?!
Guy 2: Oh, sorry, i went afc for a couple of minutes. I was texting my gf.

by papa_squat_0516 October 25, 2011

6👍 17👎

no promo

When you say the name of a popular brand with no intention of advertising for that product

Yo, I could go for a Pepsi, no promo.

by papa_squat_0516 December 7, 2010

30👍 16👎