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you never know what she gonna say to you. one day she might be talking about shitting on her phone in the middle of her face timing she might just be sticking a dry erase marker up her ass hole during math hehe. and sometimes she almost doesn’t always make it to the bathroom in time . she also is really freakinggggg hottttt🥵. one last thing she likes to draw what she says are my mommy’s nose on my math paper but i think there dicks not sure. SIKE that wasn’t the last thing she is so nice and beautiful and a really good horse rider thingey. love you so freaking much danika mwah 💋

me: damn i got to take a shit
danika: u mean a spookie dookie
me: what’s that
danika: my dad told me it’s a shit
*both fall to the floor laughing so fucking hard they both take a spookie dookie right there and then*

by patrickdastar06 October 16, 2019

2👍 6👎