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Social Smoker

A social smoker is somebody who will only smoke in social situations. It's pretty self explanatory.

You can argue that there is two type of social smokers. 'A', being the one who bums cigarettes off other people at parties because they don't buy their own. Whether they are trying to fit in or not, who knows, but you have to wonder why they even bother.

The other type (B), would be the type of social smoker that enjoys the added buzz they get when drinking or smoking marijuana with friends. These social smokers buy their own cigarettes. They are people who smoke little cigarettes, so they enjoy one when chilling with friends that smoke a lot. They don't feel they need to smoke to fit in or be accepted, but do it not to be left out when their friends go outside.

Note that social smokers are far from being addicted to cigarettes. Its easy to tell if somebody is a social or a chain smoker. Social smokers know its bad for them (just like a chain smoker does) but they never feel the NEED for a smoke (minus the times they are drunk or high and want the added buzz)

Social Smoker A --

Joe : "Wooow! Here comes Craig looking to bum another cigarette."

Brad : "He is trying to fit in again."

Joe : "Well he isn't getting one of mine, frigging cheap ass."

Brad : "He gives true social smokers a bad name."

Joe : "Yeah he doesn't know what he is doing, if he isn't careful he will get addicted. At least Chad knows his stuff."

Social Smoker B

Joe : "Oh look here comes Chad!"

Brad : "Sweet, I was wondering when he was going to join us for a smoke."

Joe : "Same here, and unlike Craig he has his own."

Chad : "I had a feeling I'd find you guys out here."

Brad : "Haha you know it!"

Joe : "You finally decided to join us eh?"

Chad : "Well I haven't talked to you guys all night so I thought I'd come have a smoke, chat with you guys and to feel a better buzz"

Brad : Damn right Chad, thats the difference between you and Craig. You do it for the right reasons."

Chad : "Haha, yeah! Oh, and no worries, I have my own"

Joe : "Damn right buddy."

by patsfan2003 December 19, 2010

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