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A Pat is a non-gender specific person. In other words, a Pat is a person whose gender cannot be determined by the common onlooker. The term "Pat" is given to these people because it's a non-gender specific name. The person could be a Patrick or a Patricia. To be safe, we call these folks Pat. How to spot a Pat:

a) Pats tend to wear Sketchers (or Crocs), cheap wristwatches, and unisex slacks

b) Pats are normally overweight. In this sense, you cannot tell if 'it' has man-boobs or actual breasts.

c) Pats often adorn shirts with horses, wolves, or Disney characters on them. Tourist shits in general are also the preferred clothing of the Pat

d) Pats sport androgynous haircuts- short, sometimes spiky.

Is that person a man or a woman?

It's a Pat.

by patspotter101 April 10, 2010

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