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a TV station that should be executed for the 1st degree murder of good music and the destruction of an entire generation of youths.

when it began in 1981, it was exactly what it said it was. a TV station dedicated to nothing but music videos 24/7. disco had just died and rock music was making a comeback.

MTV's main purpose was for rock bands to advertise their music to increase their concert ticket and record sales and it worked like a charm.

soon every rock band realized that making a video was the key to success and new videos were popping up every week.

this launched the careers of many then unknown bands like def leppard, U2, madonna, bon jovi, cyndy lauper, huey lewis, duran duran, billy idol, and etc.

fast forward to today and MTV is a billion and a half miles away from what it used to be.

today, it has little to nothing to do with music and it now serves as a social engineering propaganda machine for the liberal media that pied pipers young impressionable preteens and high school kids into their world of shallowness and immorality through their crappy reality shows.

it teaches young white suburban boys that they aren't cool unless they walk, talk, and act "ghetto" and to treat young girls as nothing but walking sex toys to be used and discarded after they've served their purpose.

it teaches young girls that they're losers unless they weigh under 90 lbs and aren't blond, rich, spoiled, materialistic, foul mouthed, and haven't given their first hummer at the ripe old age of 7.

it also teaches all kids to reject traditional norms, values, and morals in favor of debauchery, sleeze, shallowness, vulgarity, and lawlessness.

6 yr old walks up to his mom and says:

"mama, i'm gonna bust a cap in yo fat azz".

mom slaps the boy across the face and sends him to his room.

comes back 2 hrs later and asks him where he learned to talk like that.

he says 'MTV".

by pcclock November 23, 2008