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Chav's - girls or boys can be chav's, boys usually wear or can be spotted by wearing track suit bottoms really baggy, baseball cap or hoodies! They think they are the best, like gods gift and prance around thinking every girl likes them and always uses the words "boom,weng,man"

How to spot a girl chav or chavette: they have either blonde or black hair, false nails that are melted onto there real nails,clumpy mascara, spider lashes, track suit bottoms with a brand name on them e.g adidas/nike,pastey foundation,glossy lips and really tight hairsrayed hair! Uses obnoxious words such as cunt,wanker,bastard,fiesty etc

Chav's also think they are the best,they bully people if they think there better than them!
They don't like people sticking up for themselves or argueing back!

All chav's think there in girls cases prettier and more safisticated than other girls and in the boys cases they think they are way better looking than fellow boys!

weng boom chavette spider lashes

by peachy pip September 18, 2009