Source Code

Fake Dating

When two people embark on an activity together that could be construed as a date, such as bowling, cinema, or even coffee.

Whether there is interest or not, this action shall be observed as a fake date due to the one to one nature. This could be done deliberately by two people interested in each other who aren't classing it as a date for whatever reason (example a), or accidentally by two friends or acquaintances attempting to merely enjoy each other's company (example b).

Example A -

Josh: You fancy going out for a coffee?

Georgia: I like you but I just broke up with my boyfriend, I don't want to date again straight away.

Josh: Well then let's just be fake dating?

Example B -

Brendon: You wanna go to the cinema later dude?

Charlie: But won't it look a bit weird, like we're dating or something?

Brendon: Nah everyone knows we'd be fake dating

by pepsimaxginger April 22, 2017

15👍 7👎