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Kaden Bolton

Kaden Bolton is a very cool person and is deeply in love with Jordan <333

I love Kaden Bolton!!!

by phatwastaken March 31, 2022


A guy with very small/thin legs

Damn he has lilleghuddy legs bro

by phatwastaken July 16, 2020

Gareth Hamilton

Gareth Hamilton is a guy with an uneven head shape, and he is very stupid. He also gets bullied by his sibling and has gay genes that run through the family

“Lol look the younger sister is sitting in the front seat”

“Oh yeah that’s Gareth Hamilton, he gets bullied by his sister.”

by phatwastaken November 22, 2021

Morgan Joffee

A Morgan Joffee is a thing that is very round and unintelligent. He is bad at games as well.

I don’t want to be a Morgan Joffee at Fortnite🙏🏻

by phatwastaken November 13, 2019