Source Code

Ted Cruz

The zodiac killer

Ted Cruz is the zodiac killer.

by philbobaggins March 9, 2016

302👍 71👎


A culinary inadequate husband who accepts his wife is a better chef. she is allowed to bake anything she wants and the husband usually sits there and watches. If he's lucky he'll get to link the plate when she's done. ;P

Doug had the food preparation skills of a little boy and his wife Jill was always hungry. His choice was get a divorce or become a cookold. Jill now makes the best souffe.

by philbobaggins October 27, 2016

16👍 4👎

I don't know, probably something racist

A phrase you say when you can't remember what your shitty relative said at the family gathering.

Family member who's not racist- "What was Uncle Allen talking about at thanksgiving?"
me- "I don't know, probably something racist"

by philbobaggins April 16, 2018

2👍 10👎


Someone who thinks they are being funny but they are just being mean. Often their mean comment will be followed by a "I was just kidding" even though they weren't.

"Get away. You strike me as the type of person that jerks off to cartoons." Carrie said.
"wow way to be a goofbag." said steven.
"i was just kidding."

by philbobaggins August 4, 2016

Huh, neat

An expression used when something is mildly interesting enough to warrant a response, but not interesting enough to say anything of note or meaning.

"Hey did you see Zach's beard, it's growing in better than I thought it would."

"huh, neat."

by philbobaggins February 17, 2017

25👍 2👎

halfway gay

a closeted bisexual.

Man, Jerry got pegged last night! Good for him, I think he might be halfway gay :-)

by philbobaggins October 5, 2017

9👍 1👎

Floor Baby

Someone, who when there is a chair available, will still sit on the floor like an idiot.

Philip flopped on the floor as soon as he entered Shawn ' s apartment.

"You silly floor baby" said shawn.

by philbobaggins October 27, 2016