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fucking the dog

Not doing anything in particular because you have nothing to do or in an attempt to kill time.

The game doesn't start for another hour so I guess I'll just be fucking the dog until then.

My boss is going to be pissed off when he finds out I was fucking the dog all day.

by phreak_1983 January 1, 2006

225👍 89👎


Another name for pussy lips seen through clothes. Called a "Homer" because if you look at it sideways the lips look like Homer Simpson's mouth

Wow! Did you see her pussy?! That is a Homer!

by phreak_1983 September 17, 2003

16👍 39👎

Dolphin beak

Pussy lips bulging out of clothing. Usually used when the clothing is blue.

Kara has a nice dolphin beak in that blue thong.

by phreak_1983 September 17, 2003

9👍 17👎


A stupid organization that tries to convice people to stop smoking.

Did you see that Jel commercial? God damn it was annoying!

by phreak_1983 May 26, 2003

34👍 71👎