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2020 is simply the WORST YEAR EVER .

"im so happy 2020 is over"

by pie.... January 15, 2021


A gracie is someone who has been through a lot of shit,yet she seems to always get back up and get on with her life.No matter how upset or broken she is you will always be he number 1 priority and will always help you.They are most prottective.They are most craziest of the friend goup everyone loves to be around her but she is never one of the main friends.Gracies are precious people and you should never let them out of your life beacuse hey wont let you come back in if you hurt them.

"Hey gracie,can i have some advice"
"Yeah of course what do you need help with ae you ok d you need me to go beat someone up for you im on my way over wait there."

by pie.... January 13, 2021

28👍 3👎


Jakes arent the most good looking guys out there thats for sure but they are the most heartbreaking boys.They will steal you heart and never give it back.They are the best boyfriends to have they are always there for you when you need them.Jakes are funny kind and adventrous.They are also EXTREMLY COMPETTITIVE.Some times its cute sometimes its annoying.They love to cook stuff to show how good he is at it.Jakes are very sporty people,they commit to it 24/7 might be why they are such good boyfriends.Jakes brake your heart cause you dont want them to leave.

"why are you so upset about jake breaking up with you could do so much better than him anyway"
"because he was my everything"

by pie.... January 15, 2021

game of thrones

game of thrones is the best series ever to watch,it is filled with all genres such as action,romance,comedy,gore,horror and si-fi.It is by far one of the best shows i have ever watched and will ever watch this will defintely be remembered from years to come,and will be very hard to compete with.

"have u seen the game of thrones"
"no i think it looks bad"
"we cant be friends"

by pie.... January 21, 2021

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Being in love

being in love isnt just who texts first o going on dates it isnt about seeing each other naked it isnt about looking as the best couple ever. Love is about falling asleep in each others arms its about holding hands down the steet and feeling a warm fuzy feeling inside its about getting excited to go on dates its about sharing moments toghether you wouldnt want to share with anyone else its about smiling when their message pops up its abput blushing when there name is mentioned its love. You never ever wont to let them go even if they hurt you even if they screw up you forgive them beacuse your in love with them. Being in ove is about commitment its sbout no one else is better itsabout proving to them no other girl or boy is there mind. Its about facetiming every night even when your both really really tired its about the late night texts its about absloultey everything and anything you can think of. Being in love is the best thing that can happen to a person it can fix everything in a heart beat.

"i miss being in love."
"so do i,look how happy they are"

by pie.... February 2, 2021

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lillys are most funniest people you will meet not beacause of their sense of humor but beacuse of how silly they are,she will most likley be the most clumsiest person you know.She texts you late at night when your asleep sending you funny tik tok videos.Lillys sleep until the latest time possible.She has a lot of enemys beacuse she cant be bothered to put up with them.She will be there for you forever no matter when you need her.You are most likely he only good friend.She goes shy around other people so only her close friends know what she is really like,lillys might insult you but not intentionally.

"lillys really shy and quiet isnt she."
"Not around me she isnt "

by pie.... January 13, 2021