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uckfay ouyay itchbay

In Pig Latin, uckfay ouyay itchbay means "Fuck you Bitch.) Often used amongst friends who are familiar with the rules of Pig Latin (generally teenagers, new parents, single Moms, single Dads) essentially anyone who is attempting to hide and/or mask their curse words. Examples of such efforts: out of respect for other people and/or to refrain from punishment for the use of perceived atrocious language. That is perhaps taking for granted the person or people listening don't know or understand Pig Latin.

Rebellious teen: "Mom, would it be ok to stay the night at Ashley's house?"(Insert obnoxious tone, used to beg for permission) "Please?"

Mom (who wasn't born yesterday): "Remind me... is this the Ashley who's traveling through Europe with her parents right now? I'm quite certain you aren't planning on flying to Europe tonight. Nice try."

Rebellious teen: "Do you have the whole town on speed dial?Jeez."
(Teen thinks another lie will solve this issue, so she can stay at Tommy's house instead.)

Mom retorts: "Right, I also heard that you've been hanging out with that older boy, Tommy. He has a reputation for having Herpes (amongst who knows what else.) So you aren't going to see him tonight. I'm on to you."

Rebellious teen: "uckfay ouyay itchbay - (and pretends to cough.

Mom: "What was that dear?"

Rebellious teen: "I was just practicing my German. I said that your hair looks pretty."

Mom: "Oh...thanks. Pig Latin is still around? I remember those days."

Rebellious teen: "Oh itshay." (Meaning 'Oh shit')

by pissed_off_unicorn April 7, 2017

37👍 5👎

hope and go

It's slang for a vehicle, (car or truck) that runs very poorly. It's functionality is extremely questionable. It's likely to be an older dilapidated car that requires a ton of maintenance, due to age or lack of care. Performing maintenance has been procrastinated on - big time. It could be a gift horse given to you second hand. It was free or handed over as charity. The owner refuses to properly take care of it except for Fuel and topping off the oil. It's secretly adored for all it's glory. The downside: One never knows when the vehicle may break down. Basically when the Hope and Go must be driven, the owner stresses out while attempting to start the heap. Praying that the vehicle makes it to their destination. Therefore, the Driver describes their heap of a vehicle as a "Hope and Go" because they just hope it goes... originally, it's slang from New Jersey.

Vehicle owner: "Sorry I'm late ... please tell me there's some food left. My Hope and Go was bein' a Biach."

Friend #1: (Joking tone of voice) "Grab a plate - you'd be late, even if you had a race car."

Vehicle owner: (Sarcastic tone) "That hurts . At least I don't look like I was ran over and left for dead."

Friend #1: "Hey - F*#^ off. You should put that thing cout of its misery - its obviously suffering 'cuz it has to deal with you."

by pissed_off_unicorn December 3, 2018