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Catlin is a gentle speaking giant, he listens and cares about you. He makes every worry or fear feel like it’s nothing because he knows he’ll protect you from it all. He’s the kind of person that would binge a whole show with you and not regret a second of it. He looks at you and sees the small details and says how stunning you look. He might look all tough and manly on the outside but inside, he’s a big softy. He’s strong enough to give you a piggy back ride when you twist your ankle and he doesn’t even break a sweat. A part of you doesn’t believe how lucky you are to have him, knowing that he will be as loyal and respectful as ever. He’s the type of person you’d play mario kart with and let him win just to see his blue eyes light up and that grin shine. He’s like a little kitty too, he’d lay his head on your lap and you’d comb your fingers through his hair and just lull him to sleep. If you ever meet a good Catlin in your life, listen to his problems, tell him how much he mean to you and just generally hold him close to your heart.

I love you Catlin, so so much

by pixelheadphones June 10, 2019

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