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Vector Flexor

A Vector Flexor is a modified wireframe icosohederon toy, built with flexable strut connectors. The removal of 6 ballast that complete an icosohedron cause the entity to synergize, lossening it's structure and allowing it to become fold-able. It forms into many geometric objects, veiwed in 2 and 3 dimensions
This flexability allows for imagination stimulation as well as a relaxing place to ponder for a spell.
Buckminster Fuller, recognized as fabricator of the Fullerene, came across this figure while confering about synergetic thinking. He became intrigued with the balance that allow the model to swing to and fro and named it the Jitter Bug. aka Bucky's Jitter Bug

She collapsed her Vector Flexor into an octohedren.

Thomas can twist his Vector Flexor into a large triangle.

by planeaddict January 6, 2015