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Paris Hilton

a) A person who insinuates themselves into the public consciousness, only to find themselves so utterly devoid of value, they must make themselves cheap spectacle in order to linger the full fifteen minutes to which they feel entitled.

b) A trust fund baby.

c) A woman with a body like a stocking full of pine cones.

Hey, is that Paris Hilton?! NoҀ”it's just a pile of rags.

by plasticman June 9, 2004

546πŸ‘ 291πŸ‘Ž


A Beatles tribute band that became popular sometime between Nirvana and The Spice Girls.

I heard "Wonderwall" on my "Hey, it's the '90s" compilation from Time Life.

by plasticman June 2, 2004

194πŸ‘ 235πŸ‘Ž


A lover of things English; used pejoratively or self-referentially.

In practice, a person with an unhealthy admiration for English culture. Similar to a wigger or Otaku. Contrasted somewhat by an asiaphile whom, while lusting after either the aura or perceived accessibility of an Asian mate, generally has a non-existent or patronizing relationship with Asian culture.

Anglophiles will listen to any trashy club-pop, as long as a skinny guy from the small island poses in a "mod" suit on the poster.

by plasticman September 4, 2004

303πŸ‘ 157πŸ‘Ž


The terrible default men's underwear bestowed from boyhood; generally bearing illustrations of Spiderman, Skeletor, Power Rangers, and the like, when first introduced, but eventually losing their distinct markings, prior to adolescence, in favor of brownish/reddish/yellowish stains fore and aft.

I friggin' hate tightey-whiteys. Damn you Fruit of The Loom!!! Damn you!!!

by plasticman June 9, 2004

30πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž