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Don't read it backwards. Also don't say "Sugoma PP" (Sounds like Suck on my PP)

Guy1: Hey have you heard of Sugoma
Guy2: No, what does it mean?
Guy1: Sugoma PP

by pogdoginthefog October 21, 2022

5👍 2👎

Stop looking at me

Really. Stop looking at me

1 Stop looking at me
2 Why
1 JUST DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by pogdoginthefog October 21, 2022


very cool dog. Also my username. duhkjilhgfhhghkc fbt sebvnh f Hello, Mike Oxlong. Say that aloud

I am Pogdoginthefog and I am cool and pog and dog and in fog and Mike Oxlong

by pogdoginthefog October 21, 2022