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Albany High School

Located in Albany, New York. Notorious for knife fights and brawls. However, most Albany Highers will defend their school passionately -- they feel perfectly safe.

A large, urban school, AHS is extremely diverse, with students from over 200 different nations. It is perhaps because of its diversity and size (although no one is quite sure of the actual number of AHS students) that Albany High is a place where students feel free to be themselves instead of feeling pressure to conform to any social standards.

While perhaps not the highest-rated school academically, Albany offers a wide array of AP classes and has just recently introduced the International Baccalaureate Program (IB) for students seeking a well-rounded and universal program of study. Albany High also has dozens of clubs and activities open to all students.

A: Man, you go to Albany High School? How do you survive?!?
B: Pshaw! It's not so bad. All you gotta do is make sure you avoid the Freshman Academy!

by pommitranquillescence May 7, 2006

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