A claymation cartoon that aired on Adult Swim from 2005-2008. It follows the antics of Orel, a young Christian boy who takes life lessons a little too seriously, often resulting in catastrophe. Initially a black comedy, it eventually becomes a lot darker and emotional as the show goes on. Basically, it can be described as what would happen if Leave it to Beaver and South Park had a child, but then they got a divorce and Leave it to Beaver remarried Evangelion.
Moral Orel is such a good show, it's a shame Adult Swim cancelled it halfway through the third season.
A former all-female college in Staunton, VA. 99% of the student body is gay, and weed stench looms over the entire campus. Not that many people really give a shit about classes. The people are cool, though, and it's a nice college.
I wanna get high and eat pussy, let's go to Mary Baldwin!
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A step-kitty is a cat belonging to your partner who you do not live with. The cat doesn't belong to you, but since it's your partner's, you kind of love it as one of your own. Basically sort of the cat version of step-kids.
When I came home after visiting my boyfriend, my cat was upset because she smelled my step-kitty's scent.
My step-kitty gets excited whenever I come over because she loves her step-mommy.
"No homo," my best friend said after he made out with me.
982👍 95👎
Anyone who's ever heard of anime.
"Anime is for weeaboos," he said, as he sat down on his bed to watch K-On! on his laptop while wearing a Naruto t-shirt.
16👍 68👎