An 18 year old German male, lead singer of the band Tokio Hotel. Born on Sept 1st, 1989 in Leipzig, Germany. At 7 y.o. wrote his first song "Leb die Sekunde" (Live every second), and has been playing music with his identical twin brother Tom since then.
Bill has always been "different", so no he's not trying to be emo/jrock/anything.
Bill has publically stated he is straight, however the world may never know the truth until he gets a significant other.
This boy-man is the most beautiful person on the planet. Slim and 6 feet tall, his looks have everything right. You cannot call him handsome, because he's not, he is BEAUTIFUL. Heart achingly so. He has cheek bones and a jawline that can cut glass, pouty lips, that begged to be chewed on, a flawless complexion, a perfect nose, that will send people running to plastic surgeons, and asian eyes with lush lashes, that slay you at every glance. I'm fairly sure I could not have a conversation with this man without staring (and drooling).
When you see him during his interviews, he comes across as feminine and sensitive. He's very animated, yet polite, articulate and intelligent. He just seems like an incredible person to know. Maybe it's that European sophistication. Anyway, what really sets him apart from alot of dour rockers, is that he (and the rest of the band) TRULY appreciate their fans and never let them forget it. Then there is THAT SMILE. I am not kidding, when he smiles, it's like the sun breaking through grey skies on a cloudy day, the beams blinding you.
Now, that takes care of the girly part. When he hits the stage, Oh Hell. He is a ROCK GOD. He is the KILLER. 6 feet of sex in this 18 year old body. Not at all the femme guy you saw being interviewed. He's got all the posing down, and he can dance, dammit it. Better than most people I know of. He can shake that ass & boogie down. He completely commands his crowds, and looks directly into the eyes of the people closest to him, then gives the sexiest smile, like he knows something you don't. Seriously, being in the front row of one of his shows is like standing too close to the sun (personal experience).
He is very popular all around the world for his talent, androgynous good looks, and fearlessness.
Guys... ITS A TRAP!
Me: "God Bill Kaulitz has got to be the epitome of perfection"
My friend: "I know, I'm praying he's at least bi, or life just isn't fair to us women!!"
Some hater: "EW Bill is such an ugly homo"
Person with eyes: "I srsly do not give a fuck what anyone says. I want that boy in my bed. Preferably strapped to it."
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