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A country in Southeastern Europe. The majority of the population consists of South Slavic people with desperate need to present themselves as non-Slavic due to historical inferiority complex caused by Russia; they have also a surprisingly large amount of ethnic minorities which are treated in a way Hitler could only dream of, and yet they like to pose as the most tolerant country in Eastern Europe. The thought pattern of an average Bulgarian is very peculiar and absolutely incomprehensive from the point of view of any inhabitant of a relatively civilised country, yet it's perceived as totally normal by the natives and their equally backwards neighbours, such as Serbs, Romanians etc.

It has to be noted that Bulgarians themselves are fully aware of their miserable condition and talk about it all the time, yet they will never admit it in front of a foreigner; a trait shared by Serbs and Eastern Slavs as well.

Average Bulgarian: Dude, I hate it here, fuck these uncultured swines. Oh how I wish I was born in a normal country...
Foreigner: Yes mate, I see what you're talking about. I can't believe you live in that shit. See, I have these tickets...
Bulgarian: What? Fuck you, faggot, shove them up your ass! I love my motherland! We have the most beautiful girls in the worlds, I've written about them on urbandictionary! Fuck you fat fuck! Fuck.

by popyordanov November 27, 2013

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