Source Code

Bother Buddy

A person who tells (or a friend who is told) about something they haven't noticed yet in order to share the experience of being annoyed together.

Darnell: Gosh. I don't know if you noticed, but that person keeps clicking their pen and it's pissing me off.
Sam: Dude, I hadn't noticed, but now I'm going to get distracted by it. Thanks.
Darnell: Anything for my bother buddy ;))

Patrick: Did you notice Aunt Lily smacks her lips all the fucking time? Look, she's doing it now.
Rosie: Why you gotta make me a bother buddy? I don't need that shit.

by porkchchoppanzeefin December 27, 2022


Going on a dating app and only using pictures to attract a potential mate.

Denise: Hey Sam, why don't you have a bio on your Tinder?

Sam: I prefer going bioless. My bios always sound cheesy.

by porkchchoppanzeefin April 11, 2021