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Lifted Truck

Transportation for classless, poor, redneck white trash seen in the Southern and Mid-Western United States (the fly-over states).

A lifted truck has its suspension raised and may have its engine modified to be louder, creating a true white trash experience.

Lifted trucks are never seen in New England, the New York area, the Miami area, or Hollywood. Driving such a mess would be grounds for ridicule and a reminder that the driver is a low-class yokel redneck from the uncultured fly-over states.

Redneck guy: Yeehaw! Just got me a lifted truck! Get 'er done, yall!

New Yorker woman 1: Ewww. What is that?

New Yorker woman 2: It's a redneck. Just keep walking.

by porsche911 September 20, 2011

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