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Kuga Yuma

The best character to exist, he is a 15 year old who will win everyone’s heart.

Join the Yuma fan club today!
#ProtectYumaSquad / #PYS

(the being forceful part is satire, you don’t HAVE to like him)

Person A: I love Yuma
Person: B Who’s yuh-ma?!
Person: *Holding a gun* It’s Kuga Yuma, and he’s the best character. You WILL like him or else.

by postingtruemeanings November 16, 2021

suicide awareness month

No, it’s NOT no-simp September. it’s suicide awareness month… Please stop covering up something serious 😃

Person A: It’s No-simp-sept-
Person B: 💥🔫 Shut the hell up, it’s suicide awareness month.

by postingtruemeanings September 4, 2021

3👍 1👎