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how to treat your natali: natali’s feelings are very fragile, be kind n gentle with her. if you slip up for any unfair reasoning n natali doesn’t say anything, that doesn’t mean she doesn’t care, it means she doesn’t want to burden you with that. she’ll most likely act as if you did nothing n try to forget the incident. so pleath, don’t be mean unless you’re in your right. although natali is pretty awesome so. anywhosie, love your natali. natali’s love that, chances are feelings will be reciprocated. if they aren’t, don’t get your feelings hurt, most of the time natali doesn’t love people easily. it takes time, love is very precious to her. you should also refrain from offensive jokes unless you n your natali are very close. the reason being natali won’t be sure if you mean it or not, n it will haunt her. also, try not to assume that just bc she doesn’t tell you anything bad ab her life nothing has happened or nothing is going on. your natali has been through a lot, she will moreso understand you. natali is very sympathetic so she’ll always try to put herself in your shoes n try to see where you’re coming from. if you see a natali, shoot your shot. wether it be at being her friend or trying to be in a relationship. being her friend is simple, getting to be in a relationship with her is harder. natali has a very strange taste in men. this is guide doesn’t cover everything there is much much more to natali, but it may be helpful. btw it’s natali. not nataly, or natalie. toodles

“omg that girl natali is so adorbs!!”

by ppgorl March 18, 2019

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