Term given for intercourse that doesn't last that long.
"You take that gunter home last night?"
"Aye, a couple of shunts and she was satisfied."
common way of describing girlfriend
"I'll let you know if I'm out on Saturday, I'll have to ask our Peg."
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the confidence that only black men have when it comes to chatting up members of the opposite sex.
You need blacktude to pull pure girl, you get me? Blacktude, black attitude.
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term given for an escort who offers sex without a condom.
"genuine horny bareback slut, loves the feel of skin on skin sex."
21👍 3👎
a person who chats up people online with the aim of meeting them for sex.
Have you seen Tom's Facebook profile, it's all random girls' who he fancies, he's a right Cybernova.
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alternative way of saying 'shag'.
"That gunter looked well up for it last night."
"Aye, I took her back to my mum's whilst I was doin' nowt for shog like."
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