this means "and if the five nights at freddys bus, crashes into us. to die by your side oh such a heavenly way to die." its a popular joke on tiktok since the FNAF movie came out and its an abbreviation of the words displayed. Its usually used as a prank or trick, they might say "they always say i love you but never aitfnafbciutdbysisahwtd"
Random person on tiktok: "they always say i love you but never aitfnafbciutdbysisahwtd"
Another random person on tiktok: "LOL"
Heres what alot of tiktok slang is incase you just installed it, you have been living under a rock, your a facebook mom or you just dont know ect!
atp: at this point
bf or gf: boyfriend or girlfriend
bsf: best friend
lol: laugh out loud
jk: just kidding
wdym: what do you mean
wyd: what you doing
hru: how are you
lmfao: laughing my f*cking a*s off
lmao: laughing my a*s off
smth: something
wtf: what the f*ck
wth: what the hell
idgaf: i dont give a f*ck
bc: because
btc: b*tch
af: as f*ck
js: just
ya: you
Jake: wtf my gf js called me a btc, wtv idgaf.
Landon: lol
tiktok slang for ya,