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Flow-Artists can be any gender, age, or race, though they are most often males in their twenties ant thirties.

Typically Flow-Artists exhibit no outward talents, interests or skills, with the exception of juggling or spinning around some object or "Prop".

These individuals appear to spend the majority of their time sitting or laying around, smoking marijuana, and occasionally standing up to juggle spin or twirl some kind of plastic toy specifically designed for this purpose.

Used in a conversation:

"Hey, you! Why don't you get up and get a job, or make some art, or make some music, or volunteer at an animal hospital, or soup kitchen, or something?"

(Long toke off of a spliff) "Dude, because I am a Flow-Artist. This is my art. If you don't flow, you just don't know."

by probablynotaspinner September 23, 2012

45👍 182👎