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An ugly and fat bitch who has a degree but doesn't know how to turn on a computer

Elgian o iancur

by probablythisnameisntused February 5, 2020

Tutz chizda ma-tii

An insult in Romanian which means fucking a mother's vagina

chizda matiiii
Tutz chizda ma-tii

by probablythisnameisntused January 26, 2020

10πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A person with bad manners

magar, that's what you are

by probablythisnameisntused January 26, 2020


Misspelled unboxing used by Romanian kiddos in YouTube videos

umboxings lots of them

by probablythisnameisntused January 26, 2020


A word overused by pseudointellectual Romanian kids when they try to sound smarter

Guy1: Asta e un telefon
Guy2: Da, practic este un dispozitiv de pe care faci apeluri telefonice cu o cartela
Guy1: Frate, e un telefon, stiam asta deja

by probablythisnameisntused January 26, 2020

9πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Get off your high horse

An idiom used when you try to demoralise a smart cookie from spreading cringely bullcrap

Guy1: Ur such an idiot, u can't even include iostream and restart your computer
Guy2: Get off your high horse, you can't even write a paragraph in HTML, smartass

by probablythisnameisntused January 26, 2020

7πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


A person who's acting like a peasant thinking it's behaviour is entertaining for people

Guy1 : "Look at this dude..."
Guy2 : "Yeah, he's a mascarici for sure"

by probablythisnameisntused January 26, 2020