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drug dog scam

a classic scam used by police officers to get probable cause for warrantless search and seizure and/or arrest.

First, they ask permission to search your property (for example, a car or backpack). You say no because you have rights. Then they bring a dog around to sniff your property. Regardless of what the dog does, they claim that the dog has detected drugs, explosives, or a body. At that point, you may be under arrest, and anything you have can be seized, and possibly never returned, under Civil Asset Forfeiture laws.

Dude: "Hey did you hear about how Ethel Hylton's life savings and insurance settlement were confiscated at an airport and never returned?"

Guy: "Bullshit."

Dude: "For real, it was a drug dog scam. Google that shit!"

Guy: "Damn, that's fucked up."

by pseudoanonymous July 4, 2009

15👍 5👎

bread infection

everything that is wrong with Urban Dictionary. This is the type of editor who spends every minute of his day polluting this site with "words" like wnuczek, yobrodawgshitfucknadsboy, and yonkydonkey . He is completely illiterate (see his definition of author). He currently has 189 definitions... And those are just the ones that were approved (most likely by himself). Basically, author bread infection is the perfect example of fail in Urban Dictionary.

Naive Kid: "snoopet!"
You: "WTF"
Naive Kid: "It means fat chicks need lovin too but they gotta pay!"
You: "No, it means you fail to realize that Urban Dictionary is a free dictionary that anyone can add to: which means retard users like bread infection infect the site with bullshit, and it stays there forever, because it takes too much effort for editors to delete each definition. If Urban Dictionary had a way to ban him and delete all his defs in one fell swoop, nothing of value would be lost."

by pseudoanonymous August 22, 2009

16👍 5👎

civil asset forfeiture

a system by which American authorities can legally seize your property if they suspect that it was used to make or sell drugs, or bought with drug money.
They don't have to prove anything, or have a warrant. They only need probable cause, which can be given by a drug dog scam. You may or not be charged with a crime, and you might never get your stuff back.

Ethel Hylton: "Why are you taking my money?"

Cop: "Civil Asset Forfeiture, ma'am. (Google it.) The dog smells drugs on your cash, so we're taking it all."

Ethel Hylton: "But I've never even touched any drugs."

Cop: "No, but your money has."

Ethel Hylton: "I'm innocent! I've done nothing wrong"

Cop: Relax, nobody's accusing you of anything. We're just taking your money. Forever."

Ethel Hylton: "wha...?"

by pseudoanonymous July 4, 2009

8👍 5👎