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Usually stuck up and snobby, and most are rich and attend private schools. They are boy crazy, and a majority of them are not very nice. They look down upon us tomboy/goth types, and assume we are jealous of them simply because we dislike them. This is not true in any way imaginable. We do not envy them to any extent whatsoever, and dislike them due to their constant squealings and words used over and over, such as "like", "OHMIGOSH!", and so on. I am a tomboy/goth and a poet, and am looked down upon by their type because of that. So, I ask thou, preps of the world, why is it that thou must make us feel lower than the ground we walk upon? Why is it that thou must taunt and abuse us?

I detest these types more than anyone on Earth can imagine. And for the last time, to those of you who think we envy them: We are not demons. We are different, and should not be looked down upon by these girls because of it.

Preppy Girl: Ugh..you tomboy/goth types are like SO immature!
Tomboy Goth: And who says, bitch?
Prep: Like, HEELLOO! Me! You know what, you're just jealous 'cause you ain't me!
Tomboy goth: Okay, first of all, learn to speak proper English before you open that overly lip glossed mouth of your's. Second of all, I am NOT jealous of you! I LOATHE you due to YOUR immaturity! I am annoyed by you! Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a skating session.
Prep: WTF?! I thought you were a GOTH! Goth's don't skate!
Tomboy Goth: Does the term, "Tomboy goth" not get through to your head, Little Miss Perfect?

by psychic child August 31, 2005

29👍 49👎


Goths, despite what one person has said on urbandictionary, are NOT suicidal and they certainly do not go off and kill someone because they are different. Although some may go off the deep end and slit their wrists(this is rare) or commit suicide, the majority are friendly and harmless. They are very creative and are EXCELLENT poets and writers. I am a tomboy/goth, and am a very creative young lady, if I do say so myself. I love Linkin Park and Ozzy Osbourne, but am not stupid enough to go and commit suicide simply because my two favorite bands might sing about it once in a while. It makes me sick how people just go and assume that goths are evil, satan worshipping demons who have no considersation for others and will get no where in life. While I believe everyone is entitled to their opinions, acting like a brainless fool about it just makes me so enraged.

The person "Me" who wrote the example of a goth is dead on correct. Bravo!

by psychic child August 31, 2005

13👍 12👎