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Mixed trash

Similar to white trash, a family of wild animals, of all races living under one roof.
This definition comes from a real life experience of mixed trash. I.e. A large group of mixed trash, (the the reason I came up with this word) they are literally the definition! So my son and I, are innocently walking to his grandmother's house, two blocks down the road, when because one of their children had words with my child in school, a whole angry mob of mixed trash, savagely attacked my 11 year old child and I, out of nowhere, a Caucasian mixed trash bitch, a 45 year old woman no less, just bull charged us, punched me in my face 5 times! And then swiftly moved on to my 11 year old son, and, and without hesitation moved on to punching, and slapping my son in the face several times, then I continued to tell her, you're going to jail you just punched in 11 year old in the face, when she said"oh yeah prove it" with a snotty attitude as I'm filming the mixed trash bitch, you'd think she should know better, or not, i.e. "mixed trash"and I said I will prove it! I have a video right here, while waving my phone in her face! And she attacked me, for the 4th time! punching me in the face several times, grabbing my phone so tight it almost crushed, while screaming like a maniac (mixed trash style) to the 30 other angry mob members of mixed trash, wildly screaming get his fucking phone!!!! When I quickly made my escape with my phone, Id swear I was dreaming if my face wasn't being punched in!

That mob of mixed trash, just punched my son in my face!!

by puffmx123456 April 27, 2019