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1. Haxor (Corruption of 'hacker,': Someone who uses h4x (hacks) or macros to defeat people at wizard duels in online games and generally across cyberspace. Usually someone who posesses real-life sorceror abilities and augments them with database/server hacking skillz. See also: Deadly criminal.

2. Haxor: Dark Wizard

Note: Both of the above can be d3feated by consuming Keystone Light, which disrupts high-tech internet hacking effectiveness and shows goths for what they really are; Germans.

3. Haxor: Target of cyb3rcrime detectives who can see through their leet-speak deceptions, often engages in homosexuality.

1. "Mn I pwn u cuz I Haxor && I hav ur p@ssword noW,"

2. "While chatting on AIM, Steve was assaulted by a dark cult of Haxors."

3. "I swear it V0ld3moRt2007, I am a cyb3rcrimes detective and I will reveal you to be an 3v1L Haxor."

by pwn007xpwn August 25, 2007

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