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The term proposed to describe intentional and unintentional errors in English spelling and grammar belonging (but not limited) to the following categories:

Phonetic errors:
Using the incorrect word, based on its prenouciation
(i.e. its/it's, you're/youre/your, bear/bare, etc.)

Leet/Gamer/Warez Speak:
Errors resulting from quick typing, replacing suffixes -er with -or, etc. Words spelled using numeric characters such as "H4RDC0R3 1337 SP34K" should be excluded from this list.
(i.e. teh, suxxor, haxorz, warez, pwnage).

LOLcat lingo:
Distortion of English grammar and spelling intended to give it a silly/cute appeal. (Yes, it can include the Walrus)
(i.e. I can has cheesburger, They be stealin mah bukit)

The name "inglish" can be understood both as an abbreviation of "Internet English" or as misspelled phonetic representation of the word "English". It is spelled without the capitalization, as it is not an actual language.

stop using inglish!
this article is written in inglish.

by q3c July 20, 2008

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