Isaiah is a smart kid, and he is in foster care and loves dinosaurs.
"Hello, Isaiah how are you today?"
It's that time when you wake up in the middle of the night and have to go. But the problem is that your half asleep.
Were you sleepypeeing last night Mary Ann?
"Is when you, flick your boogers at people"
"Hey stop yo boogerflicking, MaryAnne!"
Its a word that is like milk and bananas together, and its funny because its not supposed to be funny. Confusing right?!
That's so Banilk, right? OMG...
It is a teapot that you stick up your nose and it cleanses it, but the common side effects are : runny nose or watery nose, burning nose or your nose feels like it's on fire
"What are you doing with that NittyPot, MaryAnne?"
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