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Jonas Brothers

Some wannabe-Rock Pop band that only gained fame from being on the Disney channel. For some odd reason many people on here try to defend their music(and by people I mean 13 year old girls). You can tell the people defending them are girls because they all post nearly the exact same message. Often overusing the word "amazing" in the wrong context. Think of them as the modern day Hanson.

JB Fan: OMG!!!!! the Jonas Brothers r not gay, thay r tha most amazingly amazing band since the invention of amazing which just so happened to be invented by the Jonas Brothers in the late 1800's in the ancient city of Amazington founded by the greek god Amazingtosinos(btw there is like historical data that links the Jonas Brothers gentically to Amazingtosinos). Until in 1805 the town was plagued by a disease called Amazingitus, which wasnt actually a disease because it only made the Jonas Brothers even more amazing adding to their already vast quantity of amazingness.

Why are they amazing u ask?, because they are like hott n stuff, who knows im just a stupid teenager and i lyke wut they tell me two.

by quasiasshole August 21, 2008

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