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(n.)A false statement made deliberately with the intention of deceiving. Or in other words, politics in its current state. (Plural: lies)
(v.)1. To tell a lie(n.) (Present tense: lie, Perfect present: lies, Preterite: lied, Plain: lie, Gerund: lying, Past tense: lied)
2. To be recumbent (Present tense: lie, Perfect present: lies, Preterite: lay, Plain: lie, Gerund: lying, Past tense: lain)
3. To deposit or cause to be recumbent (Present tense: lay, Perfect present: lays, Preterite: laid, Plain: lay, Gerund: laying, Past tense: laid)

I decided to tell a lie to make my friend feel better.
I lied and said I was fine.
I checked my pockets and that was where my keys lay.
I laid the carpet down and it looked good there.

by qwertyuiopasdfc December 19, 2016

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